St. John's Kilmarnock School Students:
Welcome to Tri-City Training Karate & Wrestling Program offered in your school! We look forward to working with your family!
* Please register your child by completing the form below
* Your annual fee can be paid in monthly installments with pre-authorized debit payment. Please feel free to send a VOID cheque with your child or contact us regarding payment options. Alternatively, a jpg image of the VOID cheque can be uploaded in this FORM
* This form MUST be completed prior to your child's participation in the program
Please refer to our Covid Policy and familiarize yourself with the protocols for training. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Our athletes' and families' safety is of utmost concern. We move forward with gratitude for our Tri-City Community, our health, and the opportunity to train and build a lifestyle of growth and development. Thank-you for partnering with us!