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Tri-City Training Instructors :

Our highly qualified instructors are committed to promoting a balanced lifestyle that includes excellence in athletics and health.   A primary goal is to offer programs that are accessible to everyone.   With dedication, personal skills, and a strong work ethic, Tri-City’s coaches focus on helping others again their best in an aspects of their lives. “

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Tom Cako

Director, Tri-City Training

Head Instructor/Coach (Adult Classes & Youth Classes) 

Program Director

Director and Head Instructor of all Tri-City Training Programs


* Godan (5th degree) Black Belt with Canadian Naha Te Goju Karate

* NCCP Wrestling Competition-Development Coach (Level 3)

* Level 3 Instructor, C.N.G.K

* Founder, Director Tri-City Martial Arts – Oversees and instructs Tri-City Training Campuses (KW, SJK, Guelph)

* Facilitates and Instructs High School Self-Defense and Martial Arts Programs (Since 2007)

* 20+ years experience training and competing Karate

* Competed Nationally & Internationally (Olympic Freestyle Wrestling) 20+ years experience with the sport

* Director of Wrestling Program (Tri-City Training)

* Physical Preparation Consultant

* Standard First Aid & CPR/AED Level A

* Tom coaches Elite (Internationally ranked athletes), has coached varsity athletes, University of Guelph Wrestling Team Strength development program, and anyone wishing to improve health and lifestyle.

Nominated and Recipient of 2015 Guelph’s distinctive “40 Under 40” award for leadership in the community

* Founder and Director of Charity Karate Tournament, "Guelph Open Shiai"

* Founder and Director of "Tri-CIty Training Open Wrestling Tournament" 

* Director of Community Programming – Seminar Series

* Certifications for Strength & Conditioning; Physical Preparation; Olympic Lifting for Sports Performance; Power Lifting, Movement & Performance; Advanced Training Techniques, Injury Prevention

* King Sports Legacy Training (Ian King, World Leader in Physical Performance, Australia)

Continues to train Goju Ryu Karate, Olympic Freestyle Wrestling, Strength & Conditioning, and T’ai Chi Chu’an

* Director of all Tri-City Training recreational and competitive programming for all ages.

* As Director, Tom Cako is committed to promoting a lifelong, healthy lifestyle in his students, one that focuses on all aspects of their lives. Tom Cako brings both his extensive knowledge of physical training and martial arts to his broad experience with wrestling and judo and offers a coaching perspective that looks at the total athlete.

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Amanda McAlpine

Instructor, Coach (Adult Classes & Youth Classes) 

Program Development

STRONG Program Director 

* Currently ranked Sandan with Canadian Naha Te Goju Karate, and level 2 Instructor (CNGK)

* Currently ranked Shodan with Judo Canada, and level 2 Instructor (NCCP)

* Judo Canada Certified Self-Defense Instructor, Level II 

* Kinder Karate Program Facilitator & Instructor

* "STRONG" Programs - Designed & implemented "Strong" community programs & UGDSB credit programs

* Fitness Group Instructor, Personal Trainer (Adults, teens, kids) 

* Goju Ryu Instructor (Adults, teens, kids)

* NCCP: wrestling, rugby, Judo (levels 1 & 2), Karate 

* OCT Certification – Teaching Martial Arts & Phys Ed (Upper Grand District School Board)

* Guelph Open Charity Tournament, Assistant to Director

* Physical Preparation Consultant

* Certification in Physical Preparation; Olympic Lifting Certificate

* CPR/AED Level HCP; Standard First Aid & CPR/AED Level C

* Nominated and Recipient of Guelph’s distinctive “40 Under 40” award for leadership in the community (2015).

* Nominated and Recipient of Judo Ontario Female Veteran Athlete of the Year award (2018)

* Nominated and Recipient of Judo Ontario Female Veteran Athlete of the Year award (2020)

* Nominated and Recipient of Judo Ontario Female Veteran Athlete of the Year award (2023)

Amanda’s love of athletics began with her involvement in Cross Country running and playing varsity Rugby with University of Guelph. She is proud member of 1998 Hall of Fame team. Amanda also coached a high school team to OFSAA provincial championships and traveled to the UK on tour with the team. 

Amanda now trains (and competes) with Goju Ryu Karate and Judo (Nationally & Internationally).  She achieved a Silver medal at the Veteran Judo World Championship 2019 (Morocco) and Silver medal Veteran Judo World Championships 2023 (Abu Dhabi) with notable finish at Senior Montreal PanAmerican Open 2023, US Open 2024 (Senior).  She also coaches Olympic Freestyle wrestling, Strength Training/Conditioning.

It is her love of teaching and coaching as well as her passion for Martial Arts, health and wellness that helps ignite an excitement for learning in her students. It is her goal to help each student attain his or her best in ALL areas of his/her life.

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Joey Ditoro

Wrestling Coach, Fitness Coach


Joey has wrestled competitively from a very young age.  He has trained in Folkstyle and Olympic Freestyle wrestling.  He has also competed in football and rugby.


Joey uses his wrestling skills and experience as an assistant coach with Tri-City Training to help the athletes attain their best at both the highly competitive and recreational levels. His patience, creativity, and wrestling abilities provide an incredible platform as coach and mentor.

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Atti Botschner

Karate Instructor

* Sandan (Third degree Black Belt) with C.N.G.K.

* Youth & Adult Karate Instructor

Currently studying Biology at University of Guelph 

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Hansi Botschner

Karate Instructor

* Sandan (Third degree Black Belt) with C.N.G.K.

* Youth & Adult Karate Instructor

Currently studying Biology at University of Guelph 

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Nick Ditoro

Wrestling Coach, Fitness Coach


Nick has wrestled competitively from a very young age.  He has trained in Folkstyle and Olympic Freestyle wrestling.  He has also competed in football and rugby.  Nick established a wrestling program at his prevous high school and helped with coaching there as well. 


Nick uses his wrestling skills and experience as an assistant coach with Tri-City Training to help the athletes attain their best at both the highly competitive and recreational levels. His patience, creativity, and wrestling abilities provide an incredible platform as coach and mentor.

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Max Schmuki

Wrestling Coach, Fitness Coach


Max has wrestled competitively from a very young age.  He has trained in Olympic Freestyle wrestling.  He has also competed in rugby.  


Max uses his wrestling skills and experience as an assistant coach with Tri-City Training to help the athletes attain their best at both the highly competitive and recreational levels. His patience, creativity, and wrestling abilities provide an incredible platform as coach and mentor.

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Blair Johnson

Wrestling Coach


Blair uses his wrestling skills and experience as an assistant coach with Tri-City Training to help the athletes attain their best at both the highly competitive and recreational levels. His patience, creativity, and wrestling abilities provide an incredible platform as coach and mentor.

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Sonny Dobrowolski

Wrestling Coach


Sonny uses his wrestling skills and experience as an assistant coach with Tri-City Training to help the athletes attain their best at both the highly competitive and recreational levels. His patience, creativity, and wrestling abilities provide an incredible platform as coach and mentor.

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Mike Davis

Wrestling Coach


Mike uses his wrestling skills and experience as an assistant coach with Tri-City Training to help the athletes attain their best at both the highly competitive and recreational levels. His patience, creativity, and wrestling abilities provide an incredible platform as coach and mentor.

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Assistant Wrestling Coach

     Pham enthusiastically leads by example as he assists wrestlers both during practice and during completitions.  He works hard so support everyone around him. 

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Assistant Wrestling Coach

Claire brings her wrestling skill to the mats with the youth programs.  She coaches and mentors both competitive and recreational athletes towards self-improvement.  

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Deidra Whittaker

Strength & Conditioning Coach, Assistant Instructor

Deidra has enjoyed training and conditioning for many years.  She is no stranger to hard work and from a very young age she could be found hauling logs or bailing hay on her family farm (north of Guelph).  Deidra was one of Tom's first strength training clients at the original Elora Raquets club over 15 years ago. 


She continues to train, but has added teaching and coaching to her repetoire (after having completed course work through University of Guelph and Tri-City Training).  Deidra offers a unique approach to the Tri-City Team.  She is currently teaching small group Strength & Conditioning classes;  she also offers private training.  Deidra continues to work on her Ian King Strength Education and Martial Arts Training.  Deidra is the newest Tri-City Dojo Assistant.  Tri-City Training is also grateful for Deidra's administrative support of Guelph Open Karate Tournament as Deidra runs the annual Charity Silent Auction.  We look forward to continued development of our Tri-City Team with Deidra.

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Offering Goju Ryu Karate, Olympic Freestyle Wrestling, Strength Training, and so much more...for recreational and competitive participants of all ages!

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Location:  Guelph & Area


© 2024 TriCityTraining 

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