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Our vision:  We envision a community where people of all ages, backgrounds, abilities, feel safe, valued, and inspired to work towards a more peaceful and happy future for all. 


The platform of martial arts training is one of empowerment;  we train to build strength (body & character); to increase confidence; to seek flexibility and resilience both on the mat and in life.  We believe the inherent values of our core tenets:  courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, and indomitable spirit, can guide any human to create a rich and full life of endless possibilities. 


Our Mission:      

Using the platform of Martial Arts & training, we will provide unparalleled, agile, and inclusive learning experience for all and build a community of empowered individuals who recognize their strengths and strive to make the world a better place for themselves and others; Our mandate is to build a community of empowered students who know their worth. We want them to learn how to advocate for and respect themselves and others. Our students learn to embrace their unique qualities, and strive to live healthy and happy lives.  Our programs help individuals to be healthy, educated, and independent. Our environment provides students  with the tools, confidence, and support to realize their strengths and help them make the world a better place for themselves and those around them.​


The goal of this aspect of training is to strengthen students' capacity to protect themselves against potential risks, learn basic self-defense, and enjoy some aspects of Sport Martial Arts.  Our program emphasizes the importance of "building a lifestyle" and continual training for self-defense. 

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S.T.R.O.N.G.  supports the development and mentorship of students providing them opportunity for observation, program design, and implementation of leadership skills with direct practice in the course. 

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The ephmasis in strength training and body conditioning is on developing a lifelong habit of health and wellness.  This course includes an introduction to strength training and traditional body conditioning for Martial Arts.  Additional focus is on injury prevention and capability of training for life.  

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S.T.R.O.N.G. courses emphasize the importance of balance and physical, mental, and emotional wellness.  There is an emphasis on reslience training and personal development. 

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G.R.I.T. – Healthy Living and Individual and Small-Group Activities – PAI1O

(Reach Ahead) - Summer Course for Grade 8 (going into grade 9) 


S.T.R.O.N.G. - 

Healthy Living and Individual and Small-Group Activities – PAI2O


Healthy Living and Individual and Small-Group Activities – PAI3O

  • Healthy Living and Individual and Small-Group Activities – PAI4O


  • Leadership and Peer Support, Grade 11, Open (GPP3O) This course prepares students to act in leadership and peer support roles.They will design and implement a plan for contributing to their school and/or community; develop skills in communication, interpersonal relations, teamwork, and conflict management; and apply those skills in leadership and/or peer support roles – for example, as a student council member or a peer tutor. Students will examine group dynamics and learn the value of diversity within groups and communities. Prerequisite: None

  • Recreation and Healthy Active Living Leadership, (PLF4M) Grade 12, University/College
    This course enables students to explore the benefits of lifelong participation in active recreation and healthy leisure and to develop the leadership and coordinating skills needed to plan, organize, and safely implement recreational events and other activities related to healthy, active living. Students will also learn how to promote the benefits of healthy, active living to others through mentoring and assisting them in making informed decisions that enhance their well-being. The course will prepare students for university programs in physical education and health and kinesiology and for college and university programs in recreation and leisure management, fitness and health promotion, and fitness leadership.

    • Prerequisite: Any health and physical education course


Martial Arts Options:  ATO 301/ATO 4M1

Our Partners 

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Offering Goju Ryu Karate, Olympic Freestyle Wrestling, Strength Training, and so much more...for recreational and competitive participants of all ages!

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​Telephone : ​226 979 5440

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Location:  Guelph & Area


© 2024 TriCityTraining 

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